Friday, May 28

graduation season

ah, graduation favorite time of year for making quilts.

graduation is a great time to celebrate, and what's better than a personalized handmade gift? i had a lot of fun making both of these quilts.

this is the front of sarah's. she requested no pink or purple....

i, of course, then had to put pink and purple in the back of the quilt. just to be ornery. the back turned out great (and maybe more interesting than the front) and it kind of became a reversible quilt. maybe i'm on to something.....

the quilt for amber was a tad bit late. she graduated 5 years ago. but i wanted to make sure i included her in the graduation quilt bit, so she got one too.

i worked with a color scheme for the front of this one, which i had never done before. i picked my scheme (blue-green, yellow-orange and red-violet; a triad) and then pulled all my fabric that fit into that including neutrals. this was the first time i tried this method. it turned out to be pretty successful.

for the back i used a fabulous large print (humungous print actually) that i had been waiting to use for something. i used up some scraps as well, which is always a good thing.

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous!! I like the backs even more than the fronts. A great way to break with tradition. You should make quilts with two backs... =)
