Friday, September 16

finish friday - oil paint

this is the first painting i've finished for my painting class. it is oil on canvas, 30" x 28" and a still life of neutral colored objects set up by my teacher.

it was my first time working with oil paint, on canvas (that i stretched myself) and with real brushes. i actually liked it! and i like how my painting turned out.

more to come... i've already started on my next still life....

Thursday, September 15

thursday thought - i'm really busy

yep. this is my thought today (and every day for the last couple weeks).

i sat down with a good friend, who happens to be really great at organization, and we wrote out all the things i need to do with my time. we included class time, homework time, feeding myself, showering, etc.

i was glad to know i actually have enough time for it all...

i made a huge weekly calender, divided it down to the hour, colored it in with my sharpie's and stuck it to my wall.

now i have a big fat reminder of what i should be doing (if i find myself procrastinating) and i can relax knowing i don't have to remember all that stuff at every moment. i can just look at my wall...

thank goodness for the support of great friends!

Friday, September 9

finish friday - dyeing fabric

one of my first projects for fibers II.

i did a 9-step gradient dyeing process between 2 colors. then, i did that 3 times resulting in 27 different colors. i will end up sewing this fabric into something to turn in, but the result of the fabrics is exciting enough to post.

this is a picture of all of the fabric marinating in their dye baths overnight. i brought them home in a big plastic tub so i could keep a close eye on them.

my mom came to the studio to help me rinse them all out. it was quite a job and i was glad to have the assistance and company. we hung them on the line in color order, and it was so awesome looking i had to take a picture.

i was standing on a stool to snap the shot and about fell on my a** when getting down. suppose that would have added some humor to the day...