Saturday, July 10

turning 30 project - the official introduction

i am approaching the big 3-0 and for the most part i am excited and empowered by it. however it has caused me to stop and take notice. the past 10 years since high school have blown by like time does whether you're having fun or not. i started to take an inventory of my life....what i've accomplished, what i haven't and what i want to. more on that later.

i grew up with six other girls my same age. our parents were friends since they were teenagers and in some cases our grandparents were friends as young people. we're long time friends, and coincidentally going to all be turning 30 (hence the title of the project). i wanted to create something that connected us all in our busy lives. since i am a quilter i naturally went in that direction.

i asked all the ladies to go to my mother-ship (the fabric store) and pick out one fabric they felt represented themselves and send it to me. getting fabulous fabric in the mail felt like it was my birthday everyday. it was awesome! everyone participated which made me super happy and it was a ton of fun seeing what everyone picked out.








read the next installment here:
turning 30 project - vol. II



  1. Just now saw this post. What a great project!!! Glad you're documenting it. You're amazing!!!
