Wednesday, June 30

back to germany

lotta is from germany and she came to america as an exchange student. she lived with my cousin in minnesota for about a year. they came to denver a couple of times to visit so i got to spend some time with lotta and she's super cool.

i wanted to send her back to germany with a little memory of her time here and a little reminder of the family she'll always have here in the u.s.

i used fabrics from my extensive kaffe fasset collection and used a pattern from a quilt store in minnesota. i love the way it turned out! it's very bright and fun and super cool for a super cool teenager.

we'll miss you lotta!


  1. We love Lotta!! And this quilt! So beautiful. The picture hardly does it justice. You create with KF prints like no one else.

  2. I love the bright, geometric energy of this quilt!
