Monday, April 11

turning 30 project - vol. V

the latest 'turning 30' quilt....

ranetta, my cousin, was in town this weekend so i seized the opportunity to send her home with her quilt. the wind was blowing when we finally decided to take pictures, so our posing was quite entertaining. stephanie, ranetta's younger sister, took the photos. it was a family affair....

each time i have presented a quilt to one of the girls, i'm amazed at how different each quilt is from the others and how appropriate each one is in representing it's owner. this one is no exception. this quilt is sweet and bright, energetic and cheery....kind of like ranetta.

i'm so happy with how this turned out, and once again was thrilled to give it away. i feel blessed to have awesome people in my life and the means to express and share my love with them. my cousin is ridiculously special to me and she is the spirit of love. and her quilt was named accordingly.

the label reads:

Turning 30 Project


3 of 7

Made for: Ranetta Blank Kinney
June 6

Designed and Quilted by: Shawna Doering
Littleton CO USA



  1. Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful!! The quilt and the girlfriends. :)

  2. I'm crying as I write. Always have appreciated the friendship you and Ranetta have. So happy for her to get this special gift. I LOVE THIS PROJECT and YOU!!!

  3. It's awesome! :) Love it. So great to imagine you, Netta and Steph trying to take the picture. I can hear each of you laughing... :) It is a special project. So thankful you thought of this. I enjoy mine every day and it is in use every day. ;)
