Friday, March 4

i have returned....

i've been feeling a bit like nothing significant enough has been happening to warrant a post. such silliness! so i return to the world of blogging....

i am now in the fiber arts program at CSU. it's been fun, interesting and challenging. some stuff i'm learning is new and some is not, but it's all been good.

...on a side note, i might have found a new hobby in hand applique. like i need a new hobby. ha. more on that later....

here is my first project from my fiber class.

i started with a solid black piece of cotton homespun fabric. then i did a binding technique called arashi shibori. with this technique you wrap the fabric around a pole of some sort, then wrap string around as tight as possible. it helps to use lots of it. then, you scrunch the fabric down to one end of the pole, so it's all in a bunch. once this is done you can dye it or bleach it, etc. i dipped it in bleach. it was awesome. it created the really cool crocodile skin type pattern.

our project required us to then add to the process in some way either with overdyeing or stitching or something. i added some chain stitching in the upper right corner...

and then some red machine stitching at the bottom.

and now it's hanging in the fiber department display case in the visual arts building. i'm quite proud that my piece was selected to grace the walls at CSU for a short time.


  1. Wonderful Shawna. (Kind of reminds me of the Shroud or Turin for some reason.) Brenda

  2. oops, Shroud OF Turin Brenda

  3. WOW! Really cool Shawnakins! :) Can't wait to see what you create next! :)

  4. Cool! This turned out great. Glad your work is gracing CSU. And thanks for the explanation of shibori. I've heard about it but didn't know what it was.
